Welcome to


Are you in pain, physical or emotional?
Are you tired or stressed?
Is there something stopping you from being all you know you could be?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, let us help you to create the changes you want
to see in your life. Make an appointment for a free chat.

“Yet I have glimpsed the bright mountain behind the mountain, Drunk cold water and clear from an inexhaustible hidden fountain.”
– Kathleen Raine (Collected Poems, Dublin, Allen & Unwin. 1981)

Our Services

At Core-Connections we will help you become healthy,
happy and fulfilled, in every aspect of your life.

Holistic Kinesiology

RTT Hypnotherapy

(Rapid Transformational Therapy)

NST Bowen Therapy

Aromatherapy Massage

    Frequently Asked Questions

  • What sets me apart is my broad base of qualifications and experience which means that I can look at all aspects of your issue. It’s like being the GP of the complementary medicine world. For permanent change, changes can’t just be an act of will-power, they have to become the new you, physically, mentally, and energetically. I can assist with thoughts & beliefs, diet and lifestyle plus meridians and energy systems.

    However, in addition to that, I still believe that connection is crucial. When you book an appointment, you get Christie, the “real me”, so that you feel safe, comfortable and, most importantly, heard. I care and am genuinely interested to hear your story and how it is impacting your life, so that we can work through any issues or problems together.

  • RTT – Just under 2 hours normally, but can be quite a bit longer if issues are complex. Allow extra time just in case! There is also a 15 minute consultation call first, and contact calls some days and weeks after the session.

    Kinesiology – Normally 1.5 hrs, but a first session can be 2 hours.

    Aromatherapy Massage – Normally 1.5 hours, but allow 2 hours to be safe!

    NST/Bowen Session – Normally 1 hour including muscle assessments and corrections.

  • If you have medical records, lists of medications or blood tests that are relevant to your presenting issue, then they could be helpful, but I may not have time to fully review them in the first session.

    Otherwise, just bring yourself, appropriate clothing, and your 100% commitment to change. If you are 100% committed to doing the work that needs to be done to help resolve your issues, then miracles can happen! If you are just interested and want someone to “fix you”, then that can take a little longer!!

Integrative Medicine looks for the core connections between you and your symptoms to bring permanent, transformative healing. We are all about healing bodies, freeing minds and transforming lives.

Christie Wild

About Us

Christie Wild

  • Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner – RTT Hypnotherapist
  • Advanced Diploma in Integrative Complimentary Medicine,
  • Advanced Certified Practitioner in Neurostructural Intergation Technique,
  • Diploma Holistic Kinesiology, Diploma in Mind Body Medicine, BA Hons, PG Dip Env Stud, Accredited DiSC Trainer, Cert IV Holistic Kinesiology,
  • Lecturer at College of Complimentary Medicine. Member of AKA. ATMS. SNTR, ICMA.

Christie Wild took up complementary medicine later in life, after seeing the extraordinary benefits it had for her son and later, for her own life. She was astounded at…

“My commitment to you is, I will bring all my years of training and experience, along with my personal understanding, care and integrity, to fully support you in your unique journey to healing.
I feel honoured and privileged each time a client reaches out, and trusts me to help them
and I look forward to working with you.”

~ Christie Wild ~

Integrative Complementary Medicine combines many disciplines which together help people to become well. It does this by finding and dissolving the core factors that are undermining their well being which brings balance and healing to their lives.

Disciplines include

  • Holistic Kinesiology
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupressure
  • RTT Hypnotherapy
  • Postural assessments and therapy
  • Learning Difficulty (assessments and therapy)
  • Energy work
  • Aromatherapy Massage
  • NST/ Bowen Therapy
  • Nutrition
  • Lifestyle Coaching and many others.

Frequently Treated Conditions

The body is a complex entity with all systems interconnecting and impacting on each other. The focus is on helping to create a balance between all the systems of the body, together with the mind and spirit, so that you can function as a happy, healthy, energised person.

Because of the holistic nature of Christie’s work, she treats a wide range of conditions including:

  • Physical pain/injury
  • Physical Ailments
  • Vertigo
  • Digestive Issues
  • Weight Loss
  • Eating Disorders
  • Addictions
  • Smoking
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Fertility/Menopause
  • Fatigue
  • Teen Issues
  • Depression
  • Emotional/Relationship Issues
  • Sleep Problems
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Behavioural Issues
  • Self Harm
  • Self Esteem/ Confidence
  • Public Speaking
  • Motivation

About Core-Connections

Core Connections

Core-Connections is about healing…..on many levels.

The uniqueness of what Christie does, is that she looks at all the inter-connected aspects of an issue. She doesn’t just look at symptoms, she releases the cause of them so that healing lasts.

Old Celtic traditions believe that there are thin places in the world where the physical and spiritual are very close,…earth and heaven touch. In a thin place, there is an immediacy of experience where simple words or actions can become insights to life. For the Celts, these thin places were always linked with nature. Some people say that just coming to our clinic can be a healing adventure in itself!…

Christie Wild

Clinic Hours

Please call 0431 618 289 for an appointment. Normal clinic hours are as follows. However, I understand that these may not suit everyone, so additional times may be arranged to suit your needs.

  • Monday8:00am – 4:00pm 6:00 – 8:00pm
  • Tuesday8:00am – 4:00pm 6:00 – 8:00pm
  • Wednesday8:00am – 6:00pm
  • Thursday8:00am – 6:00pm
  • Friday8:00am – 6:00pm
  • Saturday9:00am -12:00am

Our Blog

A woman enjoying a soothing massage

Rapid Transformation Hypnotherapy

What does Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT Hypnotherapy) do? What can I say? The name says it all really. It gives you rapid change (transformation) in areas you want to change. Or as one of my clients said – “it’s the extreme sports version of inner... Read More

Aromatherapy Massage Blog

Treat Yourself, or Someone You Love, to an Aromatherapy Massage In an aromatherapy massage we discuss what issues you would like to deal with. We then select the most appropriate essential oils to deal with those issues. You then relax in the soft candle light, listening to the sounds of... Read More

Sinus and Allergies

The winter season is upon us here in Sydney. Winter sinus issues and colds are raging through the schools, and Spring, the time of wattle flowers and allergies, is just around the corner! So for all those cold and allergy sufferers, there are some simple things you can do to... Read More

Our Videos

posterIntro. to 5 element qigong
posterMeditation for relaxation and healing

What Clients Say

It was a joy to have a hypnotherapy session with Christie, her calm and genuine manner immediately made me feel comfortable and supported. Her wealth of knowledge, wisdom and expertise made me feel confident, and the cosy room and the beautiful bush setting was instantly relaxing. I had never tried hypnotherapy but have always been intrigued, it was not like... Read More

- Julianne Millar, Kinesiologist

From the moment I stepped into Christie’s clinic I felt calm and relaxed. her warm and caring nature immediately put me at ease. I saw Christie for Rapid Transformational Therapy (hypnosis) to help with anticipation anxiety. I could never of imagined what presented in my session, releasing past trauma and feelings from childhood including birth, some events I was aware... Read More

- Deborah, Kinesiologist – Sydney

Just wanted to say thank you again for my two sessions, each day since and as I listen to the recording, I improve in energy levels and am slowly getting back to exercising. I ran 10k this morning and am super excited to be getting back to "me". Read More

- Daniel Richter, Kinesiologist

Christie has an incredible gift in holding space for you to connect with the deepest parts of yourself that you may not have heard from for a while. Her soothing voice and kind nature allows you to get into a comfortable healing zone realigning yourself from the inside out. Whether it’s your first time seeing a alternative therapist or you’ve... Read More

- Jennica Winhammar Medical researcher, yoga teacher, kinesiology student and mum! Frenchs Forest NSW

I really enjoyed our work together. Christie really got to my core and was so spot on! She helped me a lot. I am watching Marissa Peer videos and have written “I am enough” on my mirror. I know I am! Read More

- Sabrina Brandon – Actor

Thank you Christie for being there. You have literally saved my life. God bless you and give you the strength, courage and determination to continue your good work of helping people like me to find their peace. Thank you so much for your time and patience – you seem to know just the right thing to say. Read More

- Wendy Khan – Mother

Thank you Christie – Our session today was like the extreme sports version of energy healing! Thank you so much. I feel quite tired but that is good and I can’t wait to see how things change over the next couple of weeks!......(One week later) – I am feeling very centred. I LOVE listening to the recording each night. I... Read More

- Ildi Toth, Kinesiologist

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you have always got. Dare to do something new today, to create an amazing tomorrow!